So when I tell people I am “an Adventure Hydrologist” they usually give me an inquisitive look, a slight tilt of their head and inevitably utter something along the lines of… “Adventure…um…. OK, I think I get that. What’s Hydrology…? Something with water right?” 100% YES!! Then I mention Adventure Hydrology.
So .. what is a hydrologist and why am I an adventurous one?
Let’s break it down…Webster’s Dictionary defines adventure as…. Just kidding, I am not going to give you a definition of adventure. We all know what that means but just in case, just ask yourself… what was the last thing you did that got your heart pumping, made you excited, something that took you out of your comfort zone, something you saw as a challenge and yes… try to think of a time you were outside. That’s adventure by your definition. Boom! Step 1 – Check.
Ok, on to step 2 – Hydrology. A bit trickier but still easy to understand. Hydrology is the science that encompasses the occurrence, distribution, movement and properties of the waters and… wait… maybe that isn’t easier to understand. How about we define “hydrology” as the way WE try to understand how water shapes the environment and our lives… simple enough right?
No? Alrighty then, ask yourself what does water do?
Simple answers: it quenches our thirst on hot days, keeps our plants alive in summer and makes us wear rain proof jackets ( aka – jumpers for my Australian and British friends)
Crazy Answers: Water created the Grand Canyon, Yosemite National Park, and is the one thing in the universe that NASA, the European Space Agency and other intergalactic organizations are looking for… it is the keystone to life as we know it. Deep… I know. But true! Boom!! Step 2 – Check.
So finally, what is Adventure Hydrology?
Adventure Hydrology is my way of bringing you along on my journeys… to learn about our natural word… and to experience nature as I do!
Think: National Geographic has a child with Bear Grills and Anthony Bourdaine is a step parent… excitement, learning, some great pictures and amazing adventures!
Welcome to Adventure Hydrology!