An adventure to the Salton Sea is a bit unique. There are no trails; no signs; and the horizon before you seems to lead you to a flat and desolate expanse… but you couldn’t be more wrong. You’re walking to one of the most critical ...
Ancient lake Adventures – Mono Lake
In the high alpine rests a million year old lake... waiting for your arrival.
Vanishing Sea – Origin Story
After a misty and way too early Spring wake up in the town of Brawley – a small agricultural community just north of Highway 8 in southern CA – I c...
Safe water Globally – 2023
An annual event held every March 22nd, World Water Day helps to draw attention to the global water crisis. This years theme brings focus to Wastewater as a viab...
Signature spires – High Peaks trail
From rock climbing to trail running and from foggy mornings to triple digit temperatures in the summer, Pinnacles National Park is a uniquely spectacular landsc...