As my feet slipped on the slick, moss covered cliff face and the waterfall splashed on my face, two thoughts popped into my head. One, if I accidentally let go of the rope I would free fall more than 80 feet to disaster. Two… damn this is fun! ...
Training at Sea Level to climb Mt. Whitney? No Problem!
What do you do when a friend tells you they just snagged a permit to climb Mt. Whitney and has as spot saved for you? Well… if you are one of the 13.1 mi...
4 of the best Colorado adventures you can do in 3 days
If you’ve never been on a Colorado adventure during the summer you’re missing out! The State has highest concentration of 14K peaks in the contiguous U.S., see...
Signature spires – High Peaks trail
From rock climbing to trail running and from foggy mornings to triple digit temperatures in the summer, Pinnacles National Park is a uniquely spectacular landsc...