Look at the desert sky! Its so blue! And all the birds chirping… how did they get here? Why are they here? And look!! All the colors!! Gosh, all the colors!! Purples! Yellow! Orange! Green! SO MANY COLORS EVERYWHERE!!! Far out!!! I know ...
Signature spires – High Peaks trail
From rock climbing to trail running and from foggy mornings to triple digit temperatures in the summer, Pinnacles National Park is a uniquely spectacular landsc...
Cliffs made of sand fall into the sea…. eventually
When you get the chance to adventure to Santa Cruz California you will see an amazing coastal landscape shaped by wind, weather, time and of course waves. About...
The Adventure Hydrologist
So when I tell people I am “an Adventure Hydrologist” they usually give me an inquisitive look, a slight tilt of their head and inevitably utter som...
What’s your Code?
I am bringing this blog to life today – The Wolff Code – and for the first time in a while I am wondering what the hell am I doing… why the he...