How to Get Mom to Adventure! In my humble opinion, every day is mothers day. But every second Sunday in May, we take the time we celebrate our moms on a massive scale. And why not? They are amazing women who helped make us who we are. Mothers̵...
Explore Dinosaur National Monument Alone
Explore Dinosaur National Monument Alone – Walking into the echoing hall of the Dino Quarry I couldn’t believe my eyes. There stood a seemingly endless w...
Best Lake Tahoe Adventures when there is no snow!
Best Lake Tahoe Adventures when there is no snow! When you visit Lake Tahoe in the winter, you can always expect cold mornings, amazing views and a crystal clea...
Training at Sea Level to climb Mt. Whitney? No Problem!
What do you do when a friend tells you they just snagged a permit to climb Mt. Whitney and has as spot saved for you? Well… if you are one of the 13.1 mi...
Best Gear for Fast Hiking – Sleeping Gear
For fast hiking, there are some things you need on a hike and things you don’t…. but first you need to understand the adventure you have coming. In ...